If you Owe more than $30,000 contact us for a case evaluation at (833) 428-0937
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SBA Debt Resolution Attorneys

We Provide Nationwide Representation of Small Business Owners, Personal Guarantors, and Federal Debtors with More Than $30,000 in Debt before the SBA and Treasury Department's Bureau of Fiscal Service

No Affiliation or Endorsement by any Federal Agency

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SBA Debt Attorneys

Owe more than $30,000? If yes, we can provide you realistic solutions to SBA loan problems and US Treasury Debt Collection Tactics.

Would you like to know more about your SBA loan problem?

The SBA Attorneys in our office want to help you resolve your SBA debt situation. No matter how difficult your circumstances may seem, the right SBA debt attorneys can assist you.

We understand that you may have questions regarding a wide range of federal agency matters, including how to respond to an SBA demand letter, what SBA loan foreclosure actually entails, and what is a Treasury Offset Program levy.

Our SBA Attorneys can explain all of these topics and more. We urge you to review our disclaimer and blog to learn more about subjects that may be confusing to you and to contact us right away if you have specific questions relating to your unique circumstances.

We look forward to helping you during this difficult and stressful period of your life.

Why Hire Us to Help You with Your Treasury or SBA Debt Problems?

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Millions of Dollars in SBA Debts Resolved via Offer in Compromise and Negotiated Repayment Agreements without our Clients filing for Bankruptcy or Facing Home Foreclosure

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Millions of Dollars in Treasury Debts Defended Against via AWG Hearings, Treasury Offset Program Resolution, Cross-servicing Disputes, Private Collection Agency Representation, Compromise Offers and Negotiated Repayment Agreements

truck accident injury attorney

Our Attorneys are Authorized by the Agency Practice Act to Represent Federal Debtors Nationwide before the SBA, The SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals, the Treasury Department, and the Bureau of Fiscal Service.



Client’s small business obtained an SBA 7(a) loan for $150,000.  He and his wife signed personal guarantees and pledged their home as collateral. The SBA loan went into default, the term or maturity date was accelerated and demand for payment of the entire amount claimed was made.  The SBA lender’s note gave it the right to adjust the default interest rate from 7.25% to 18% per annum. The business filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy but was dismissed after 3 years due to its inability to continue with payments under the plan. Clients wanted to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which would have been a mistake as their home had significant equity to repay the SBA loan balance in full as the Trustee would likely seize and sell the home to repay the secured and unsecured creditors. However, the SBA lender opted to pursue the SBA 7(a) Guaranty and subsequently assigned the loan and the right to enforce collection to the SBA. Clients then received the SBA Official 60-Day Notice and hired the Firm to respond to it and negotiate on their behalf. Clients disputed the SBA’s alleged balance of $148,000, as several payments made to the SBA lender during the Chapter 11 reorganization were not accounted for. To challenge the SBA’s claimed debt balance, the Firm Attorneys initiated expedited discovery to obtain government records. SBA records disclosed the true amount owed was about $97,000. Moreover, because the Clients’ home had significant equity, they were not eligible for an Offer in Compromise or an immediate Release of Lien for Consideration, despite being incorrectly advised by non-attorney consulting companies that they were. Instead, our Firm Attorneys recommended a Workout of $97,000 spread over a lengthy term and a waiver of the applicable interest rate making the monthly payment affordable. After back and forth negotiations, SBA approved the Workout proposal, thereby saving the home from imminent foreclosure and reducing the Clients' liability by nearly $81,000 in incorrect principal balance, accrued interest, and statutory collection fees.



Clients personally guaranteed an SBA 504 loan balance of $337,000.  The Third Party Lender had obtained a Judgment against the clients.  We represented clients before the SBA and negotiated an SBA OIC that was accepted for $30,000.



Clients executed personal and corporate guarantees for an SBA 7(a) loan from a Preferred Lender Provider (PLP). The borrower corporation defaulted on the loan exposing all collateral pledged by the Clients. The SBA subsequently acquired the loan balance from the PLP, including the right to collect against all guarantors. The SBA sent the Official Pre-Referral Notice to the guarantors giving them sixty (60) days to either pay the outstanding balance in full, negotiate a Repayment (Offer in Compromise (OIC) or Structured Workout (SW)), challenge their alleged guarantor liability or file a Request for Hearing (Appeals Petition) with the SBA Office of Hearings & Appeals.

Because the Clients were not financially eligible for an OIC, they opted for Structured Workout negotiations directly with the SBA before the debt was transferred to the Bureau of Fiscal Service, a division of the U.S. Department of Treasury for enforced collection.

The Firm was hired to negotiate a global Workout Agreement directly with the SBA to resolve the personal and corporate guarantees. After submitting the Structured Workout proposal, the assigned SBA Loan Specialist approved the requested terms in under ten (10) days without any lengthy back and forth negotiations.

The favorable terms of the Workout included an extended maturity at an affordable principal amount, along with a significantly reduced interest rate saving the Clients approximately $181,000 in administrative fees, penalties and interest (contract interest rate and Current Value of Funds Rate (CVFR)) as authorized by 31 U.S.C. § 3717(e) had the SBA loan been transferred to BFS.

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SBA Debt Default FAQs
I received a letter from the SBA stating that I have only 60 days from the date of the letter to submit an SBA Offer in Compromise before the case is referred to the Department of the Treasury. What does this mean?
I received a letter from the SBA stating that I have only 60 days from the date of the letter to submit an SBA Offer in Compromise before the case is referred to the Department of the Treasury. What does this mean?

If your SBA loan is in default and you are working with your lender to wind down the business and settle the deficiency with an offer in compromise, time is of the essence. Banks generally do not wait much longer than 60-90 days after the defaulted borrower (business) has been liquidated or shut down to tender an OIC to the SBA for consideration which, if accepted, could potentially release the guarantors from the deficiency for a lesser amount. Generally speaking, the bank or CDC will send you what is commonly known as a Notice of Default, Acceleration and Demand for Payment for the entire loan balance due. If litigation is not a fiscally viable option and after certain collateral liquidation, you may be offered the chance to submit an SBA OIC with the bank or CDC for SBA consideration. If your case is ultimately transferred to the SBA, you should receive a 60-day Official Notice and demand for payment. If you fail to timely submit an SBA OIC within the administrative time frame as noted in this letter, the SBA will then refer your debt to the U.S. Department of Treasury for enforced collection, and thus, you will probably lose your one (1) time shot to settle for less than what is purportedly owed on the SBA debt through the SBA Offer in Compromise process..It should be noted that Treasury rarely collects on these bad loans directly – rather they hire private collection agencies (PCAs) to handle this. These PCAs don’t know anything about the history behind the loan – their job is to be ruthless in their collection endeavors as they generally receive a generous percent of the collected amount or actually bought the so-called junk federal debt for pennies on the dollar. Several of these federally approved private collection agencies or junk debt buyers are particularly nasty, and rarely settle for less than 50% of the outstanding amount as the incentives for collection, litigation and judgment pursuit are very high. Contrast that with the results that we have reviewed and settled and it’s easy to see the importance of addressing your outstanding SBA debt sooner rather than later, whether you’re working with a non-attorney consultant, an SBA Attorney or Federal Agency Practitioner, or attempting to do it yourself. If you think your banker is nasty or difficult to work with, you don’t want to experience the tactics of these collection agencies or junk debt buyers.

How long does the process take?
How long does the process take?

Subchapter V allows debtors to spread their unsecured debt over 3 to 5 years. During this time, the debtor must devote their disposable income toward the debt. This model usually aids both parties involved.

The debtors have time to pay their debts and can spread them across a more extended period to avoid large sums. The creditors benefit because there is less a chance of debtors defaulting on longer-term payments.

Administrative expenses differ from Subchapter V to Chapter 11 cases. Debtors must pay administrative costs at plan confirmation in Traditional Chapter 11 cases. Debtors can pay Subchapter V administrative expenses over the life of the plan.

For both, however, debts are not discharged until the debtor completes all of its planned payments.

How Does the SBA Assess An Obligor's Ability to Pay When Evaluating An SBA OIC?
How Does the SBA Assess An Obligor's Ability to Pay When Evaluating An SBA OIC?

The adequacy of an SBA OIC must begin with an evaluation of the assets of the obligor(s). The starting point is ordinarily the net present value of the forced sale value of such assets (not the loan balance). This value combined with the prognosis of the obligors’ earning power form the basis for determining the adequacy of the offer. The review must balance the right of the Government to collect the amount owed and the obligation to treat all obligors with dignity and fairness.

When is a Charge Off Justified?
When is a Charge Off Justified?

A charge off is justified when the SBA has complied with all requirements of collection and liquidation and further collection of any substantial portion of the debt is doubtful. The determination to justify a charge off may be based on one or more of the following:a) All efforts must have been exhausted in cost-effective recovery from:1. Voluntary payments from the borrower;2. Liquidation of collateral;3. Compromise with obligor leaving only a deficiency balance; and4. Consideration has been given to any legal remedies available so that no further reasonable expectation of recovery remains.b) Estimated costs of future collection exceed any anticipated recovery;c) Obligor cannot be located or is judgment proof;d) The Lender/SBA’s rights have expired (e.g., statute of limitations, restrictions of State law, SBA policy);e) Debt is legally without merit;f) Adjudication of a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy as a no asset case, or completion of Chap 11/13 case;g) The inability of the Lender to effect further worthwhile recovery.

When Should An SBA Offer in Compromise Be Pursued?
When Should An SBA Offer in Compromise Be Pursued?

When certain limited circumstances occur and a Borrower or Guarantor does not have the ability to make full payment, the SBA may allow a settlement for less than the full principal amount due on the federal debt. An SBA Offer in Compromise (OIC) is not possible without the cooperation of responsible Borrowers and Guarantors. One of the basic elements of an SBA OIC is that the business has ceased operations and all business assets have been liquidated. The business owner’s assistance and help in maximizing the recovery on the business assets will help to minimize the amount of deficiency balance on the loan. As in most scenarios involving debt forgiveness, there may be tax implications and small business owners should consult their tax and legal advisors before starting the SBA OIC process.

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