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4 Common Questions About SBA Liens Answered

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4 Common Questions About SBA Liens Answered

As part of obtaining your SBA 7a loan, you may have pledged your residence as collateral.  This was an afterthought for obtaining your SBA loan.  However, once the business defaulted on the SBA loan, the SBA lien became a huge headache.


This article answers the four questions homeowners have about an SBA lien.

SBA Lien

1. What are the Collateral Requirements for an SBA Lien?

The SBA Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) provide the framework for lender banks and how to underwrite SBA 7a loans.  As the owner of a business, the SBA will require you to sign a personal guarantee.  SBA does not permit its guarantee to be used as a substitute for available collateral. The SBA requires that the bank collateralize the SBA loan to the maximum extent possible up to the loan amount. If business assets do not fully secure the loan, the lender must take available personal assets of the owners as collateral.  This more often than not includes your real estate, including your home.

The SBA considers a loan as “fully secured” if the bank obtained security interests in all available assets with a combined "liquidation value” up to the loan amount.  The SBA defines “liquidation value” as the amount expected to be obtained if the bank took possession after an SBA loan default and sold the asset(s) after conducting a reasonable search for a buyer and after deducting the costs of taking possession, preserving and marketing the asset, less the value of any existing liens.

Therefore, if your business assets have a liquidation value of $10,000 but your house has equity of $50,000, the bank and SBA will require you to pledge your house as collateral for the SBA loan.

The SBA does not require a bank to collateralize a loan with a personal residence to meet the

“fully secured” is defined when the equity in the residence is less than 25 percent of the property’s fair market value.

Under the latest SBA guidelines, lenders must carefully assess the impact of state laws on foreclosure and liens. For example, California, where Protect Law Group is located, primarily follows a non-judicial foreclosure process, allowing lenders to sell a property without going through court. Furthermore, recent state legislation may provide additional protections to homeowners, such as mandating a notice period or enabling homeowners to request loan modifications before foreclosure proceedings begin. Understanding these nuances can be crucial in navigating your situation.

2. When Does the Bank Liquidate SBA Loan Collateral?

If your business defaults on the SBA loan, the lender bank must liquidate all collateral that has "Recoverable Value".  Concerning real property collateral, if the Recoverable Value of an individual parcel is $10,000 or more, it must be liquidated unless there is a documented compelling reason for not doing so.

If the bank holds an SBA lien on your residence, you face the possibility of foreclosure.  Foreclosure is an action taken to sell property that was pledged as security for the SBA loan. Since the laws of the foreclosure of mortgages, deeds of trust, and other types of real property liens vary by state, the bank will have to determine the proper method of foreclosure. The two primary methods of real property lien foreclosure actions are judicial foreclosure and non-judicial foreclosure as it pertains to SBA liens.

3. How Do SBA Standards Apply to Personal Homes?

Unless you have engaged in fraud, misrepresentation, or other financial misconduct, a good faith effort on the part of the lender should be made to reach an agreement covering the release of the SBA lien for consideration and compromise of your liability for the SBA loan balance before initiating a foreclosure action against your primary residence. Documentation showing that a bank has complied with applicable state or federal laws requiring mortgage lenders to work with homeowners before foreclosure will be considered evidence that a bank has made a good-faith effort to meet this requirement.  So all is not lost if you have an SBA lien on your property.

4.  How Can I Save My House?

The SBA dictates that you can save your home.  You will have to pay to do so, however.  The amount of consideration received must be approximately equal to or greater than the "Recoverable Value" of the collateral, and the release of the lien must not jeopardize the ability to maximize recovery on the loan.  Therefore, you do have an opportunity to save the family home.

Contact Protect Law Group for a Free Initial Consultation

If you are facing an SBA loan default, contact us today at 1-888-756-9969 to schedule a consultation with one of our knowledgeable SBA attorneys.

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Client personally guaranteed SBA 7(a) loan balance of $58,000.  The client received a notice of Intent to initiate Administrative Wage Garnishment (AWG) Proceedings.  We represented the client at the hearing and successfully defeated the AWG Order based on several legal and equitable grounds.



Client personally guaranteed an SBA 7(a) loan to help with a relative’s new business venture.  After the business failed, Treasury was able to secure a recurring Treasury Offset Program (TOP) levy against his monthly Social Security Benefits based on the claim that he owed over $1.2 million dollars. We initially submitted a Cross-Servicing Dispute, but then, prepared and filed an Appeals Petition with the SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals (SBA OHA).  As a result of our efforts, we were able to convince the SBA to not only terminate the claimed debt of $1.2 million dollars against our client (without him having to file bankruptcy) but also refund the past recurring amounts that were offset from his Social Security Benefits in connection with the TOP levy.



Clients personally guaranteed SBA 504 loan balance of $750,000.  Clients also pledged the business’s equipment/inventory and their home as additional collateral.  Clients had agreed to a voluntary sale of their home to pay down the balance.  We intervened and rejected the proposed home sale.  Instead, we negotiated an acceptable term repayment agreement and release of lien on the home.

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