SBA Loans Explained - The 7(a) Loan
If you obtain an SBA loan - specifically a 7(a) loan, you can use the loan proceeds to help finance a great variety of business expenses.
The transcript of the video follows below for further review.
In fiscal year 2014, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) established the High Risk 7(a) Loan Review Program to minimize losses on Small Business Administration (SBA) guaranteed loans, help SBA improve the effectiveness and integrity of its 7(a) Program, and protect program dollars.
The OIG reviewed eight (8) early-defaulted loans and consequently identified material lender origination and closing deficiencies that justified denial of the SBA guaranty for three (3) loans totaling $3.2 million.
To facilitate SBA’s timely review and recovery of these payments, the OIG formally issued separate reports on each loan that included detailed descriptions of the identified material deficiencies. The OIG also identified suspicious activity on two (2) purchased loans totaling $1.4 million, resulting in formal referrals to the Investigations Division.
In the OIG’s judgment, change of ownership transactions continued to be an area of high risk for the SBA. Further, three out of the five loans that were either formally reported on, or referred due to potentially fraudulent activity, were included in SBA’s FY 2015 review of improper payments. SBA did not identify the improper payments on these loans. In a previous audit, the OIG determined that SBA’s limited reviews of the original lender’s underwriting guidelines resulted in improper payments.
Some of the key reviews detailed in the OIG report are highlighted below:
Change of Ownership Transactions
The OIG indicated that 8 of the 15 loans that were reviewed had financed change of ownership transactions. Additionally, 4 of these 8 loans, purchased for a total of $2.8 million, either had material lender deficiencies or indications of suspicious activity. The OIG believes that change of ownership transactions has been one of the riskiest transactions financed by SBA. Prior audits have identified the following deficiencies in change of ownership transactions:
Further, the Investigations Division has identified significant fraud in change of ownership transactions. In FY 2009, the OIG issued an information notice that recommended lenders and other program participants perform a higher level of due diligence in reviewing change of ownership transactions.
Identifying Improper Payments
While the OIG noted improvement in SBA’s 7(a) purchase review process, it remains concerned about the effectiveness of SBA’s efforts to prevent improper payments. Specifically, four loans the OIG formally reported on or referred to the Investigations Division were included in either SBA’s FY 2014 or FY 2015 reviews for improper payments. During its improper payments reviews, SBA examines loan files to determine if lenders complied with the 7(a) Loan Program requirements.
SBA did not identify or report the improper payments totaling $4.5 million associated to these loans. Upon receiving these reports, SBA substantially concurred with the OIG findings on the loans and confirmed them as improper payments.
A complete copy of the OIG’s Report to Congress can be found here: The OIG High Risk SBA 7(a) Loan Review Report
If you are facing an SBA loan default, contact us today for a consultation with an experienced SBA workout attorney at 888-756-9969
We analyze your SBA loan problems and advise you on potential solutions such as an SBA offer in compromise for your SBA loan default.
Millions of Dollars in SBA Debts Resolved via Offer in Compromise and Negotiated Repayment Agreements without our Clients filing for Bankruptcy or Facing Home Foreclosure
Millions of Dollars in Treasury Debts Defended Against via AWG Hearings, Treasury Offset Program Resolution, Cross-servicing Disputes, Private Collection Agency Representation, Compromise Offers and Negotiated Repayment Agreements
Our Attorneys are Authorized by the Agency Practice Act to Represent Federal Debtors Nationwide before the SBA, The SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals, the Treasury Department, and the Bureau of Fiscal Service.
Our firm successfully negotiated an SBA offer in compromise (SBA OIC), settling a $974,535.93 SBA loan balance for just $18,000. The offerors, personal guarantors on an SBA 7(a) loan, originally obtained financing to purchase a commercial building in Lancaster, California.
The borrower filed for bankruptcy, and the third-party lender (TPL) foreclosed on the property. Despite the loan default, the SBA pursued the offerors for repayment. Given their limited income, lack of significant assets, and approaching retirement, we presented a strong case demonstrating their financial hardship.
Through strategic negotiations, we secured a favorable SBA settlement, reducing the nearly $1 million debt to a fraction of the amount owed. This outcome allowed the offerors to resolve their liability without prolonged financial strain.
Client personally guaranteed SBA 7(a) loan balance of $58,000. The client received a notice of Intent to initiate Administrative Wage Garnishment (AWG) Proceedings. We represented the client at the hearing and successfully defeated the AWG Order based on several legal and equitable grounds.
Our firm successfully facilitated the SBA settlement of a COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) for Train With Jodi Inc. The borrower received an SBA disaster loan of $150,000, but due to the severe economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the business was unable to recover.
Despite the borrower’s efforts to maintain operations, shutdowns and restrictions significantly reduced the customer base and revenue, making continued operations unsustainable. After a thorough business closure review, we negotiated with the SBA, securing a resolution where the borrower paid only $6,015 to release the collateral, with no further financial liability.
This case demonstrates how businesses affected by the pandemic can navigate SBA loan settlements effectively. If your business is struggling with an SBA EIDL loan, we specialize in SBA offer in compromise (SBA OIC) solutions to help close outstanding debts while minimizing financial burden.