How Protect Law Group Can Help Your Small Business Achieve Loan Forgiveness
Learn how Protect Law Group's SBA Attorneys in San Diego, Orange, and Los Angeles Counties can assist your small business in achieving loan forgiveness. Contact us!
Small business owners face unprecedented times in this covid-19 economy. Many businesses have 2 major expenses to service every month: (1) SBA loan and (2) Commercial lease.
A material default occurs when the small business is not able to pay the agreed-upon monthly principal and interest payment. After several missed payments (typically 60-90 days), the SBA participating lender (if it is 7(a) loan) or Certified Development Corporation (if it is a 504 loan), will come knocking and contact you asking “where’s the monthly payment?”
Many small business owners will respond to their lender and request some time or try to modify their payment schedules. But some will just bury their head in the sand and avoid responding to their bank. It is better to respond to your bank as opposed to ignoring the problem. What you don’t want is for your SBA loan to be placed in “liquidation” status and transferred to the bank’s Special Assets Department (SAD).
In the covid-19 economy, most SBA 7(a) lenders offer loss mitigation relief measures. Some lenders offer internal deferment. Deferment typically involves deferring or postponing the monthly principal payment due and allowing small businesses to pay interest only. The postponed monthly principal payments are then tacked onto the end of the original amortized payment schedule. Other lenders place the loan in the SBA CARES Act’s Small Business Debt Relief Program. Here, the SBA makes the principal and interest payments to the SBA lender on behalf of the business for six (6) consecutive months.
If you are placed into a Deferment or the Small Business Debt Relief Program, this is your opportunity to pivot your business and come up with creative ideas to generate revenue while your payments on the SBA loan are temporarily postponed. Rest assured, however, that your bank will keep you on a short leash and may require monthly updates.
Some banks may not offer Deferment or placement into the Small Business Debt Relief Program. If your bank is not offering these loss mitigation measures, you need to find out why. It could be because you don’t qualify for these programs or that the bank simply wants to cut its losses and liquidate collateral that has been voluntarily pledged as security for the SBA loan. This collateral could be commercial real estate, residential real estate, bank or investment accounts, certificate of deposits or business, property and equipment.
If confronted with a situation where the bank will not assist you, you should consult with an experienced SBA attorney to discuss your options and come up with a game plan to counter the bank’s actions. Some options may include negotiating with the SBA lender directly, seeking assistance from the SBA and requesting that it mediate the impasse between you and the SBA lender or exploring arbitration or litigation based on lender liability theories and allegations.
Don’t try to resolve SBA loan default issues by yourself. Speak to an SBA Attorney with Protect Law Group.
Protect Law Group has proven, nationwide experience resolving SBA loan problems.
Owe more than $30,000? Contact Protect Law Group for an SBA loan case evaluation or call us toll-free at 1-888-756-9969.
We can analyze your SBA loan problems and advise you on potential solutions.
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Millions of Dollars in SBA Debts Resolved via Offer in Compromise and Negotiated Repayment Agreements without our Clients filing for Bankruptcy or Facing Home Foreclosure
Millions of Dollars in Treasury Debts Defended Against via AWG Hearings, Treasury Offset Program Resolution, Cross-servicing Disputes, Private Collection Agency Representation, Compromise Offers and Negotiated Repayment Agreements
Our Attorneys are Authorized by the Agency Practice Act to Represent Federal Debtors Nationwide before the SBA, The SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals, the Treasury Department, and the Bureau of Fiscal Service.
Clients obtained an SBA 7(a) loan for their small business in the amount of $298,000. They pledged their primary residence and personal guarantees as direct collateral for the loan. The business failed, the lender was paid the 7(a) guaranty money and the debt was assigned to the SBA. Clients received the Official 60-Day Notice giving them a couple of options to resolve the debt balance directly with the SBA before referral to Treasury's Bureau of Fiscal Service. The risk of referral to Treasury would add nearly $95,000 to the SBA principal loan balance. With the default interest rate at 7.5%, the amount of money to pay toward interest was projected at $198,600. Clients hired the Firm with only 4 days left to respond to the 60-Day due process notice. Because the clients were not eligible for an Offer in Compromise (OIC) due to the significant equity in their home and the SBA lien encumbering it, the Firm Attorneys proposed a Structured Workout to resolve the SBA debt. After back and forth negotiations, the SBA Loan Specialist assigned to the case approved the Workout terms which prevented potential foreclosure of their home, but also saved the clients approximately $294,000 over the agreed-upon Workout term with a waiver of all contractual and statutory administrative fees, collection costs, penalties, and interest.
Clients executed personal and corporate guarantees for an SBA 7(a) loan from a Preferred Lender Provider (PLP). The borrower corporation defaulted on the loan exposing all collateral pledged by the Clients. The SBA subsequently acquired the loan balance from the PLP, including the right to collect against all guarantors. The SBA sent the Official Pre-Referral Notice to the guarantors giving them sixty (60) days to either pay the outstanding balance in full, negotiate a Repayment (Offer in Compromise (OIC) or Structured Workout (SW)), challenge their alleged guarantor liability or file a Request for Hearing (Appeals Petition) with the SBA Office of Hearings & Appeals.
Because the Clients were not financially eligible for an OIC, they opted for Structured Workout negotiations directly with the SBA before the debt was transferred to the Bureau of Fiscal Service, a division of the U.S. Department of Treasury for enforced collection.
The Firm was hired to negotiate a global Workout Agreement directly with the SBA to resolve the personal and corporate guarantees. After submitting the Structured Workout proposal, the assigned SBA Loan Specialist approved the requested terms in under ten (10) days without any lengthy back and forth negotiations.
The favorable terms of the Workout included an extended maturity at an affordable principal amount, along with a significantly reduced interest rate saving the Clients approximately $181,000 in administrative fees, penalties and interest (contract interest rate and Current Value of Funds Rate (CVFR)) as authorized by 31 U.S.C. § 3717(e) had the SBA loan been transferred to BFS.
Our firm successfully assisted a client in closing an SBA Disaster Loan tied to a COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL). The borrower obtained an EIDL loan of $153,800, but due to the prolonged economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the business was unable to recover and ultimately closed.
As part of the business closure review and audit, we worked closely with the SBA to negotiate a resolution. The borrower was required to pay only $1,625 to release the remaining collateral, effectively closing the matter without further financial liability for the owner/officer.
This case highlights the importance of strategic negotiations when dealing with SBA settlements, particularly for businesses that have shut down due to unforeseen economic challenges. If you or your business are struggling with SBA loan debt, we focus on SBA Offer in Compromise (SBA OIC) solutions to help settle outstanding obligations efficiently.