If you Owe more than $30,000 contact us for a case evaluation at (833) 428-0937
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SBA Debt Resolution Attorneys

We Provide Nationwide Representation of Small Business Owners, Personal Guarantors, and Federal Debtors with More Than $30,000 in Debt before the SBA and Treasury Department's Bureau of Fiscal Service

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SBA Debt Attorneys

Owe more than $30,000? If yes, we can provide you realistic solutions to SBA loan problems and US Treasury Debt Collection Tactics.

Would you like to know more about your SBA loan problem?

The SBA Attorneys in our office want to help you resolve your SBA debt situation. No matter how difficult your circumstances may seem, the right SBA debt attorneys can assist you.

We understand that you may have questions regarding a wide range of federal agency matters, including how to respond to an SBA demand letter, what SBA loan foreclosure actually entails, and what is a Treasury Offset Program levy.

Our SBA Attorneys can explain all of these topics and more. We urge you to review our disclaimer and blog to learn more about subjects that may be confusing to you and to contact us right away if you have specific questions relating to your unique circumstances.

We look forward to helping you during this difficult and stressful period of your life.

Why Hire Us to Help You with Your Treasury or SBA Debt Problems?

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Millions of Dollars in SBA Debts Resolved via Offer in Compromise and Negotiated Repayment Agreements without our Clients filing for Bankruptcy or Facing Home Foreclosure

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Millions of Dollars in Treasury Debts Defended Against via AWG Hearings, Treasury Offset Program Resolution, Cross-servicing Disputes, Private Collection Agency Representation, Compromise Offers and Negotiated Repayment Agreements

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Our Attorneys are Authorized by the Agency Practice Act to Represent Federal Debtors Nationwide before the SBA, The SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals, the Treasury Department, and the Bureau of Fiscal Service.



Clients personally guaranteed SBA 7(a) loan balance of over $300,000.  Clients also pledged their homes as additional collateral.  SBA OIC accepted $87,000 with the full lien release against the home.



Client received the SBA's Official 60-Day Notice for a loan that was obtained by her small business in 2001.  The SBA loan went into default in 2004 but after hearing nothing from the SBA lender or the SBA for 20 years, out of the blue, she received the SBA's collection due process notice which provided her with only one of four options: (1) repay the entire accelerated balance immediately; (2) negotiate a repayment arrangement; (3) challenge the legal enforceability of the debt with evidence; or (4) request an OHA hearing before a U.S. Administrative Law Judge.

Client hired the Firm to represent her with only 13 days left before the expiration deadline to respond to the SBA's Official 60-Day Notice.  The Firm attorneys immediately researched the SBA's Official loan database to obtain information regarding the 7(a) loan.  Thereafter, the Firm attorneys conducted legal research and asserted certain affirmative defenses challenging the legal enforceability of the debt.  A written response was timely filed to the 60-Day Notice with the SBA subsequently agreeing with the client's affirmative defenses and legal arguments.  As a result, the SBA rendered a decision immediately terminating collection of the debt against the client's alleged personal guarantee liability saving her $50,000.



Clients personally guaranteed an SBA 504 loan balance of $337,000.  The Third Party Lender had obtained a Judgment against the clients.  We represented clients before the SBA and negotiated an SBA OIC that was accepted for $30,000.

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SBA Debt Default FAQs
Does Subchapter V help if I pledged my personal residence as collateral for a business loan?
Does Subchapter V help if I pledged my personal residence as collateral for a business loan?

If the principal debtor used his/her primary residence as security for a loan to fund the small business, there are available loan modifications.

If as part of your SBA loan, you pledged your primary residence as collateral, neither Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy will likely help in the event of default.  However, Chapter 11 Subchapter V may help.

For instance, a small business debtor's plan may modify the rights of a holder of a claim secured by the principal residence of the debtor if the new value received in connection with the granting of the security interest was:

  • not used primarily to acquire the real property; and
  • used primarily in connection with the debtor's small business

Therefore, you could possibly use the Chapter 11 Subchapter V to save your house and modify the terms of repaying the loan if you pledged your house as collateral as part of your personal guarantee.  You will, more than likely, not rid yourself of the lien.  Preserving your home constitutes your goal with the new bankruptcy code.  If you have no other options, you should explore the new bankruptcy option.

How Can the SBA Go After My Personal Assets When My Business Is the Party To The Loan Agreement?
How Can the SBA Go After My Personal Assets When My Business Is the Party To The Loan Agreement?

Even if your business incorporated (i.e. corporation, Limited Liability Company), almost all lenders and the SBA required that you sign personal guarantees as part of the initial loan funding process. Therefore, despite the fact that your business entity signed on the Loan Agreement with the bank or CDC, you would still be liable as a result of the personal guaranty that you or any other individuals signed. The personal guaranty, upon default on the loan, gives the bank or CDC and the SBA direct access to your personal assets such as your home, personal bank accounts, investments, real estate, etc.

If There Were Multiple Individuals Who Signed Personal Guarantees In Connection With Our SBA Loan, How Much Will Each Of Us Owe?
If There Were Multiple Individuals Who Signed Personal Guarantees In Connection With Our SBA Loan, How Much Will Each Of Us Owe?

An SBA Guaranteed Loan with multiple personal guarantors considers each of the guarantors as being “jointly and severally” liable for the loan balance.  This means that anyone who signed the loan as a borrower, obligor or a guarantor, is liable for the entire outstanding balance.  Therefore, each and every guarantor can be pursued for the total loan balance.  The problem that manifests with multiple guarantors after an SBA loan default is when certain individuals have more personal assets than others.  Generally, lenders, the CDCs and the SBA target those personal guarantors who may have more assets than others. Hence, those individuals whose personal guarantees are “worthless” will generally not have to pay as much.

How Does the SBA Assess An Obligor's Ability to Pay When Evaluating An SBA OIC?
How Does the SBA Assess An Obligor's Ability to Pay When Evaluating An SBA OIC?

The adequacy of an SBA OIC must begin with an evaluation of the assets of the obligor(s). The starting point is ordinarily the net present value of the forced sale value of such assets (not the loan balance). This value combined with the prognosis of the obligors’ earning power form the basis for determining the adequacy of the offer. The review must balance the right of the Government to collect the amount owed and the obligation to treat all obligors with dignity and fairness.

What Types Of SBA Loans Are Available?
What Types Of SBA Loans Are Available?

Most SBA loans fall under two categories: 7(a) and 504.In an SBA 7(a) transaction, a loan is secured from a private sector lender and, provided that the lender and borrower have satisfied the requirements of the SBA, if the borrower defaults on the loan, the SBA will reimburse the lender for a percentage on the loan loss (usually 75% or 85%, depending on various factors).In an SBA 504 transaction, typically, a loan is secured from a private sector lender with a first position lien covering up to 50% of the project cost, and a second loan is secured from a private sector lender with a junior lien position covering up to 40% of the project cost, and the borrower makes a contribution of equity equal to at least 10% of the project cost. After the closing of the first and second loans, and provided that the lender and borrower have complied with the requirements of the SBA, a debenture is sold to investors, the proceeds of which pays off the second loan, whereupon the second loan is assigned to a Certified Development Company (“CDC”) and then to the SBA, which provides a 100% guarantee of the debenture.The existence of the SBA’s guarantee in each of these transactions is an inducement for the lender to make a loan on terms it would otherwise not make. However, the SBA guarantee does not allow the lender to disregard standard commercial underwriting principles such as collateral and personal guarantees. The SBA guarantee does allow the lender to loan more money, extend longer terms, and approve loans to less mature businesses than it otherwise would.The SBA’s purpose under these financing programs is to help businesses gain more access to capital, thereby creating jobs and expanding the tax base. Pursuant to the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (“2010 Act”), the maximum SBA guarantee to the lender on a 7(a) loan was increased to $5,000,000; and on a 504 Loan, the maximum debenture amount was increased to $5,000,000.

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