If you Owe more than $30,000 contact us for a case evaluation at (833) 428-0937
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SBA Debt Resolution Attorneys

We Provide Nationwide Representation of Small Business Owners, Personal Guarantors, and Federal Debtors with More Than $30,000 in Debt before the SBA and Treasury Department's Bureau of Fiscal Service

No Affiliation or Endorsement by any Federal Agency

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SBA Debt Attorneys

Owe more than $30,000? If yes, we can provide you realistic solutions to SBA loan problems and US Treasury Debt Collection Tactics.

Would you like to know more about your SBA loan problem?

The SBA Attorneys in our office want to help you resolve your SBA debt situation. No matter how difficult your circumstances may seem, the right SBA debt attorneys can assist you.

We understand that you may have questions regarding a wide range of federal agency matters, including how to respond to an SBA demand letter, what SBA loan foreclosure actually entails, and what is a Treasury Offset Program levy.

Our SBA Attorneys can explain all of these topics and more. We urge you to review our disclaimer and blog to learn more about subjects that may be confusing to you and to contact us right away if you have specific questions relating to your unique circumstances.

We look forward to helping you during this difficult and stressful period of your life.

Why Hire Us to Help You with Your Treasury or SBA Debt Problems?

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Millions of Dollars in SBA Debts Resolved via Offer in Compromise and Negotiated Repayment Agreements without our Clients filing for Bankruptcy or Facing Home Foreclosure

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Millions of Dollars in Treasury Debts Defended Against via AWG Hearings, Treasury Offset Program Resolution, Cross-servicing Disputes, Private Collection Agency Representation, Compromise Offers and Negotiated Repayment Agreements

truck accident injury attorney

Our Attorneys are Authorized by the Agency Practice Act to Represent Federal Debtors Nationwide before the SBA, The SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals, the Treasury Department, and the Bureau of Fiscal Service.



Small business and guarantors obtained an SBA COVID-EIDL loan for $1,000,000. Clients defaulted causing SBA to charge-off the loan, accelerate the balance and refer the debt to Treasury's Bureau of Fiscal Service for collection. Treasury added nearly $500,000 in collection fees totaling $1,500,000. Clients were served with the SBA's Official 60-Day Notice and exercised the Repayment option by applying for the SBA’s Hardship Accommodation Plan. However, their application was summarily rejected by the SBA without providing any meaningful reasons. Clients hired the Firm to represent them against the SBA, Treasury and a Private Collection Agency.  After securing government records through discovery, we filed an Appeals Petition with the SBA Office of Hearings & Appeals (OHA) court challenging the SBA's referral of the debt to Treasury. During litigation and before the OHA court issued a final Decision and Order, the Firm successfully negotiated a reinstatement and recall of the loan back to the SBA, a modification of the original repayment terms, termination of Treasury's enforced collection and removal of the statutory collection fees.



Clients executed personal and corporate guarantees for an SBA 7(a) loan from a Preferred Lender Provider (PLP). The borrower corporation defaulted on the loan exposing all collateral pledged by the Clients. The SBA subsequently acquired the loan balance from the PLP, including the right to collect against all guarantors. The SBA sent the Official Pre-Referral Notice to the guarantors giving them sixty (60) days to either pay the outstanding balance in full, negotiate a Repayment (Offer in Compromise (OIC) or Structured Workout (SW)), challenge their alleged guarantor liability or file a Request for Hearing (Appeals Petition) with the SBA Office of Hearings & Appeals.

Because the Clients were not financially eligible for an OIC, they opted for Structured Workout negotiations directly with the SBA before the debt was transferred to the Bureau of Fiscal Service, a division of the U.S. Department of Treasury for enforced collection.

The Firm was hired to negotiate a global Workout Agreement directly with the SBA to resolve the personal and corporate guarantees. After submitting the Structured Workout proposal, the assigned SBA Loan Specialist approved the requested terms in under ten (10) days without any lengthy back and forth negotiations.

The favorable terms of the Workout included an extended maturity at an affordable principal amount, along with a significantly reduced interest rate saving the Clients approximately $181,000 in administrative fees, penalties and interest (contract interest rate and Current Value of Funds Rate (CVFR)) as authorized by 31 U.S.C. § 3717(e) had the SBA loan been transferred to BFS.



Client personally guaranteed SBA 7(a) loan for $150,000. COVID-19 caused the business to fail, and the loan went into default with a balance of $133,000. Client initially hired a non-attorney consultant to negotiate an OIC. The SBA summarily rejected the ineligible OIC and the debt was referred to Treasury’sBureau of Fiscal Service for enforced collection in the debt amount of $195,000. We were hired to intervene and initiated discovery for SBA and Fiscal Service records. We were able to recall the case from Fiscal Service back to the SBA. We then negotiated a structured workout with favorable terms that saves the client approximately $198,000 over the agreed-upon workout term by waiving contractual and statutory administrative fees, collection costs, penalties, and interest.

Read more Case Results
SBA Debt Default FAQs
When Should An SBA Offer in Compromise Be Pursued?
When Should An SBA Offer in Compromise Be Pursued?

When certain limited circumstances occur and a Borrower or Guarantor does not have the ability to make full payment, the SBA may allow a settlement for less than the full principal amount due on the federal debt. An SBA Offer in Compromise (OIC) is not possible without the cooperation of responsible Borrowers and Guarantors. One of the basic elements of an SBA OIC is that the business has ceased operations and all business assets have been liquidated. The business owner’s assistance and help in maximizing the recovery on the business assets will help to minimize the amount of deficiency balance on the loan. As in most scenarios involving debt forgiveness, there may be tax implications and small business owners should consult their tax and legal advisors before starting the SBA OIC process.

What Happens If A Borrower Or Guarantor Refuses To Cooperate?
What Happens If A Borrower Or Guarantor Refuses To Cooperate?

If a Borrower or Obligor does not respond to the opportunity to submit an Offer in Compromise, they may be referred to the U.S. Department of Treasury for various enforced collection activities.

What are the criteria for a business to file under Subchapter V?
What are the criteria for a business to file under Subchapter V?

To be eligible for this option, a debtor must meet the following criteria:

  • Engaged in commercial activity
  • Total debts must be less than $2,725,725 (both secured and unsecured)
  • At least half of the debts must be due to business activity
  • The principal activity is not a single-asset real estate operation

The CARES Act further expanded the eligibility for businesses to qualify under this bankruptcy path.

This legislation increases the eligibility pool to also include companies with up to $7,500,000 in debt (both secured and unsecured) to reorganize under Subchapter V. This is a significant increase from the otherwise limit of $2,725,625.

What is an SBA Loan Modification?
What is an SBA Loan Modification?

An SBA Loan Modification is a remedial option when the business is still a viable concern, is still generating revenue and due to current circumstances, the old loan terms just do not make financial sense for all parties. A loan modification package is generally presented when it involves a SBA 504 Loan and the collateral or building’s fair market value has decreased significantly such that the loan should probably be modified (i.e. principal and interest payment terms, modification of principal loan balance to reflect current fair market value appraisal of real estate collateral, payment schedule etc.). In this situation, special factors need to be evaluated, appraisals will need to be conducted, and a proposal should be made in order to apply for a loan modification which benefits both parties. Again, the borrower will be required to provide updated business and personal financial information, additional pledged collateral may be requested, and appraisals will be done as part of the modification process. This is not a situation where the borrower or guarantor should engage in this process without qualified representation or consultation. However, if the business feels that it doesn’t need assistance, we recommend that you review applicable SBA SOPs and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs) prior to presenting your loan modification application.

What Factors Are Considered As Part Of The Offer in Compromise Process?
What Factors Are Considered As Part Of The Offer in Compromise Process?

Each individual SBA OIC will be based on a case by case review of the Borrower’s or Guarantor’s individual financial situation and certain “litigative risks.” Factors that will be considered are:• An assessment of the debtor’s ability to pay and potential earnings capacity• Health and life expectancy• Local economic conditions• Equity in pledged or reachable assets• Settlement arrangements with other creditors• Applicable exemptions available to debtor under State and Federal law• The cost, time and risk of collection litigation

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