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SBA Plan for Economic Growth, Fewer Instances of SBA Loan Default

We provide borrowers with solutions to an SBA loan default and advise clients regarding solutions to SBA loan problems.

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SBA Plan for Economic Growth, Fewer Instances of SBA Loan Default

Dealing with the idea that you might be facing an SBA loan default can be terrifying. The SBA attorneys in our office are skilled at helping clients through all of the facets of their situations. We can create an SBA offer in compromise that can end your SBA loan problems. You should never face an SBA loan problem alone. It is important to retain the services of an attorney who can help you through this difficult time in your life. We urge you to read about the services that we have available and to contact us if you need assistance.

The Small Business Administration's newest boss Maria Contreras-Sweet recently provided her vision  for economic growth, indicating that the smallest businesses will be the mainstay of a new lending initiative.

Contreras-Sweet unveiled a new program the SBA hopes will get more smaller loans to entrepreneurs, primarily via its 7(a) program. Banks originate the loans and benefit from a federal guarantee against default of up to $5 million.

The SBA has been criticized for making too many larger loans and being less accessible to the smaller borrowers and also minorities and immigrants.

According to recent data, four out of five requests for loans from African and Hispanic Americans are for amounts of $150,000 or less, Contreras-Sweet said. With those statistics in mind, the SBA is introducing a new credit scoring system that will let banks make faster decisions on smaller financing requests, and with less paperwork involved. Moreover, the SBA hopes to increase the number of banks that lend through its guaranteed loan program.

"The time has come to reach out to all of our lending partners on small loans and bring new lenders into the SBA fold," Contreras-Sweet stated in a prepared statement.

New Model for Credit Scoring

The new credit scoring system that the SBA will use derives creditworthiness via personal and business credit.

"The SBA’s total credit score will make it easier and less time-intensive for banks to do business with the SBA," Contreras-Sweet said. "This model is cost-reducing and credit-based. It ensures that risk characteristics--not socio-economic factors--determine who is deemed creditworthy."

"By making the process quicker, cheaper, and more intutiive, these reforms will help existing lenders do more small-dollar lending," Contreras-Sweet said. The new scoring system will be available in July. SBA One will start early in 2015.

If you have a SBA loan that is in default, please contact us today for a consultation at 1-888-756-9969.

Why Hire Us to Help You with Your Treasury or SBA Debt Problems?

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Millions of Dollars in SBA Debts Resolved via Offer in Compromise and Negotiated Repayment Agreements without our Clients filing for Bankruptcy or Facing Home Foreclosure

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Millions of Dollars in Treasury Debts Defended Against via AWG Hearings, Treasury Offset Program Resolution, Cross-servicing Disputes, Private Collection Agency Representation, Compromise Offers and Negotiated Repayment Agreements

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Our Attorneys are Authorized by the Agency Practice Act to Represent Federal Debtors Nationwide before the SBA, The SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals, the Treasury Department, and the Bureau of Fiscal Service.



Clients personally guaranteed an SBA 504 loan balance of $337,000.  The Third Party Lender had obtained a Judgment against the clients.  We represented clients before the SBA and negotiated an SBA OIC that was accepted for $30,000.



Client personally guaranteed SBA 7(a) loan for $150,000. COVID-19 caused the business to fail, and the loan went into default with a balance of $133,000. Client initially hired a non-attorney consultant to negotiate an OIC. The SBA summarily rejected the ineligible OIC and the debt was referred to Treasury’sBureau of Fiscal Service for enforced collection in the debt amount of $195,000. We were hired to intervene and initiated discovery for SBA and Fiscal Service records. We were able to recall the case from Fiscal Service back to the SBA. We then negotiated a structured workout with favorable terms that saves the client approximately $198,000 over the agreed-upon workout term by waiving contractual and statutory administrative fees, collection costs, penalties, and interest.



Small business and guarantors obtained an SBA COVID-EIDL loan for $1,000,000. Clients defaulted causing SBA to charge-off the loan, accelerate the balance and refer the debt to Treasury's Bureau of Fiscal Service for collection. Treasury added nearly $500,000 in collection fees totaling $1,500,000. Clients were served with the SBA's Official 60-Day Notice and exercised the Repayment option by applying for the SBA’s Hardship Accommodation Plan. However, their application was summarily rejected by the SBA without providing any meaningful reasons. Clients hired the Firm to represent them against the SBA, Treasury and a Private Collection Agency.  After securing government records through discovery, we filed an Appeals Petition with the SBA Office of Hearings & Appeals (OHA) court challenging the SBA's referral of the debt to Treasury. During litigation and before the OHA court issued a final Decision and Order, the Firm successfully negotiated a reinstatement and recall of the loan back to the SBA, a modification of the original repayment terms, termination of Treasury's enforced collection and removal of the statutory collection fees.

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